Family Quiz


Every Tuesday evening at 7pm we dial into Zoom for a family quiz night,  it has become a little 'lockdown' tradition.  Each week we nominate the quiz master for the following week, it is then their task to pull together the questions and read them out.  The kids love this as they get to see their aunties, uncles, grandparents and cousins, and the adults enjoy the competition, it's amazing how even as an adult I cannot let my siblings beat me!  
One thing we have really learnt from this is that the quiz questions need to incorporate something for everyone, if they are too difficult, people lose interest (especially the children), but they do also need to be a little challenging! This is no mean feat when you have to take into consideration everyone's different interests, and also have questions which the whole family ageing from primary school age up mother would not be happy if I share her age, so let's say 50 +. It quickly became clear that our parents do not watch Netflix - so they are off the cards, and the children need to have at least some input every so often to hold their attention.
We thought that it might be a nice idea to share one of the quizzes we have actually done ourselves and one which was very popular with the entire family.  You can download this (questions and answers) to do with your own friends and family.  

You can Download Here

Do let us know how you get on, we would love to hear what you think of it. You can use the hashtag #norfolkingaroundquiz on Instagram.
If you have a quiz you would like to share with us, please do send it over, we would love to share more of these.
Happy quizzing everyone!


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